On November 4, 2023 the nearby Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) opened its underground Bunker to the public to commemorate 60 years since its dedication in 1963, a year after the Cuban Missile nuclear war Crisis. Saturday’s Open House included a pop-up exhibit of Civil Defense artifacts from that time. Informative videos throughout helpfully oriented you to the past and present functionality of the Bunker.
Much has changed in 60 years, but the need for reliable communication has not.
The event was a great opportunity to listen and share ideas about the relevance and value of amateur radio operators and ARES to Served Agencies in 2023 at this time of change.
Chris Grazioso (KB1UTL) – the Director of UAS Operations, Drone Operations Program, Mass DOT, Aeronautics Division put it this way: In his 30+ year career as a Public Safety professional, almost every After Action Report cites a concern about a breakdown in communications, someplace in the report. In his experience, being a ham has helped him be a better trained operator, able to adjust and keep vital communication channels going one way or the other, when others couldn’t.

The dynamic new Director of MEMA, Dawn Brantley (right) was licensed c.2008 when working in Emergency Management in radio-friendly Alaska. Not currently an active ham, it was a welcome conversation to talk about the ease of getting licensed in 2023 using the online, self-study platform, HamStudy.org. Her security detail, Emily, was definitely interested in learning more.
The Rhode Island Section looks forward to continued conversations with our New England neighbors. Especially now with Jeremy Taylor, K1JST, our new RI Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) in place and a new team coming together to reshape RI ARES. Let’s share lessons learned. Pitch the message why amateur radio literacy adds value. And put together the training path that will get us from here to there – whether six months, six years, or a full 60 years on to 2083. We start here, today.
73, Nancy Austin, KC1NEK
Rhode Island Section Manager