Field Day & Resilient Rhode Island

Field Day & Resilient Rhode Island

Source: World Risk Poll Resilience Index

The new World Risk Poll Resilience Index reports: 

The United States is the world’s largest economy and third most populous country. It is also one of the world’s more resilient countries, scoring a total of 63/100 on the Resilience Index. This places the U.S. 27th out of 141 countries measured by the World Risk Poll – comfortably above the global average score of 57, but some way below the top scoring countries.

The Resilience Index is an average score of four smaller sub-indexes: individual, household, community, and societal resilience. The vast majority of countries – 111 of them – have significantly higher scores for societal resilience than individual resilience. In other words, societies generally score higher for resilience than individuals within them.

Very few countries – just nine – show the opposite effect, where individual resilience is significantly higher than societal resilience. The US is among these nine countries and ranks as by far the most unevenly resilient among them.

No other country in the world has such resilient individuals living in such a fragile society.”

Please join the Rhode Island Amateur Radio Community this Field Day weekend as we showcase all we are doing to support resilience on every level

FREE & Open to the Public to Visit, Ask Questions, Operate at the GOTA Station
SATURDAY June 22 – SUNDAY June 23, 2024

ARRL Affiliated Clubs – Rhode Island’s Historic “Big 5”

Newport County Radio Club (W1SYE) – Glen Park, Gilbert Barker Rd off Glen Rd, Portsmouth, RI [with Portsmouth RI K1PMA EmComm vehicle demo]

Fidelity Amateur Radio Club (W1MB) – New England Wireless and Steam Museum, East Greenwich, RI

Providence Radio Association (W1OP) – Masonic Youth Center, 116 Long St, Warwick, RI

Blackstone Valley Amateur Radio Club (W1DDD) – 1315 Chopmist Hill Rd, N. Smithfield, RI

Associated Radio Amateurs of Southern New England (W1AQ) – Slater Memorial Park, Pawtucket, RI

Participating Emergency Management / Operation Radio Clubs

(Call to confirm they will be open to the public and operating at the time you plan to visit. Contact information on site map call-sign pop-up here:

RICOMU/RIEMA (WA1USA) – 279 Danielson Pike, N. Scituate, RI

Providence EMA RACES (KK1PMA) – 591 Charles St.Providence, RI

Coventry RI EMA (KC1CUE) – 1675 Flat River Rd, Coventry, RI

Charlestown EOC Ham Radio Club (W1CRI) – Ninigret Park, Charlestown, RI

Why Ham Radio? So many reasons!

For example:

Tech-In-A-Day FCC License Class – SIGN UP

Offered Sat. 24 Aug 2024 at this summer’s ARRL Northeast Division HamXposition

Tech-In-A-Day Study Course

Hope you can join in!

73, Nancy Austin, [email protected] – RI Section Manager