“If you wish to have your call letters for your registration plate number, you must file this form http://www.dmv.ri.gov/documents/forms/registration/Amateur%20Radio%20Operator%20Plate%20Application.pdf . Instructions state that you must mail this application with a copy of your Amateur license to the Cranston office. A call letter plate IS NOT A VANITY PLATE. DO NOT PAY THE VANITY PLATE PREMIUM. We are covered by our own law, § 31-3-39. Amateur radio operator plates. I would suggest keeping a copy of the law in case you need to show someone that you should not pay a vanity charge. The law may be found at http://webserver.rilin.state.ri.us/Statutes/TITLE31/31-3/31-3-39.HTM . It was passed in 1958. I was one of the first RI residents to sport my call on my car. The law specifically states that “upon the payment of the regular registration fee”, the call letter plate will be issued. Emphasis is on “regular”. You may also need to submit the regular registration form, RI DMV TR-1 Registration form.pdf .
Of course, any Rhode Island Amateur may obtain registration plates bearing his or her call sign for the present vehicle as well as for a new one. You will need to pay the regular transfer fee, but no extra charge.” —Bob Beaudet, W1YRC, May 2021 Rhode Island Activity Report