Role: RI Section Assistant Section Manager
Contact Email: [email protected]
Biographical Statement
I was first licensed in 1988 as KB9BTG in Kokomo, Indiana. I come from a family of Amateur Radio operators – parents, grandparents, and most close family friends were hams. Over 35 years in Amateur Radio I’ve tried a bit of everything. My current interests include digital modes, DXing and contesting. I’m involved with some public service activities as a volunteer with the Boston Marathon and Head of the Charles Regatta. I also serve as a SKYWARN volunteer through the Boston/Norton NWS office and as a net control operator for the VOIP Hurricane Net. I’m also licensed in Canada as VE9IU and operate from there while on vacation on Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick.
Something about Amateur Radio that I feel offers a great opportunity is the number of ways one can serve and give back to the Amateur Radio community and beyond. Over the years I’ve had the chance to step up, learn and serve in different capacities. In the field organization I’ve been an Emergency Coordinator (Lafayette Co. MS), Volunteer Examiner, license instructor, and card checker for WAS/VUCC/DXCC. I’ve been a club president twice, for two university clubs (Indiana University and University of Mississippi). I’ve coordinated field day operations for W5UMS.
In 2010 I had the chance of a lifetime to serve on the staff at ARRL HQ as Emergency Preparedness Manager, which I did until 2019. During that time, I wrote Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio, served as editor for the Public Service Handbook, and as managing editor of the ARES E-Letter.
Currently I reside in Coventry, RI with my wife Kate, our dogs Carter and Tatertot and cat Macy. I work full time for FEMA Region 1 as an Emergency Management Specialist in the Disaster Emergency Communications Branch. I am a member of the International Association of Emergency Managers, life member of ARRL, and a member of Radio Amateurs of Canada.
I look forward to supporting Nancy, KC1NEK, our new Section Manager, and the talented group of volunteer leaders she is gathering together for the Section cabinet. I believe Amateur Radio in Rhode Island is at a point of great opportunity. Between our new leadership, ARRL members in Rhode Island, and our robust clubs we have a chance to collaborate on where our field organization and our programs may go, and how to help promote and grow this amazing Service in our state. Please join us.