Please join me as I host the first ever
RI Section Meet & Greet on Saturday August 26th at 4pm at this year’s
HamXposition – the ARRL’s most important regional gathering of radio enthusiasts from across
all of New England and the nearby NY-Hudson Division. Online ticketing is now closed, but you can definitely buy the $18 entrance pass at the door. The banquets dinners are now sold out;
over 1000 attendees are expected over the three days of the conference/workshop/convention. Yes! You can drive to the venue in nearby Marlborough MA off Rt 495 at Rt 20W;
directions are here.
Meet your fellow Rhode Island radio amateurs in person! Find others with like-minded interests active elsewhere in RI and the New England/NY region. Find out more about Skywarn; meet the NWS’s Rob Macedo in person! Talk to vendors. There is a session just for women in radio. A young ham from MA will be launching his mod for learning about Amateur Radio via Minecraft – the world’s top-selling video game of all time. The outdoor FleaMarket will have a section showcasing EmComm vehicles. Plus more outdoors and indoors, with demos and talks of all kinds. Send your first Radiogram! Build a mesh node. Find out about Repeater governance. Meet ARRL leadership. See what NE Sci Tech is doing for youth STEM education and satellite building.
Show up and support your RI Section presenters:
Saturday 10am: Club Revitalization: Improve It and They Will Come David Tessitore, K1DT
After 100 years, the Providence Radio Association was about to fail. Dave will describe how the remaining PRA members revitalized their slumbering club through improving infrastructure, embracing current trends, and focusing on relevance.
Room: Sterling, W2
Saturday 11am: Introduction to the NEDECN Network in New England Domenic Mallozzi, N1DM
Dom will describe the NEDECN DMR Network in use in New England and how to get on DMR. He will introduce some other DMR networks in New England and also include a very short discussion on hotspots for DMR.
Room: Princess, E9
Saturday 2pm: ARTEN – Amateur Radio Training Experiment Network / Microwave Mesh
Paul Fredette, K1YBE with Rob White, KB1ZZU; RJ White, KC1DLT; Sean Baker, K1SDB on behalf of the whole ARTEN team.
STEM career engagement in wireless and networking technologies can provide fun and learning for all. ARTEN is an ARRL Foundation Grant project implemented by the Newport County Radio Club ( for reuse in any club setting to provide RF and networking experience by implementing a remote sensor using microwave technology. CO2 variation in a farm field is the target parameter for the initial project but the real fun is experimenting with Antennas, Routers, Very Nice Analyzers (VNAs) and solar power while monitoring the cycle of breathable air. The AREDN software and inexpensive hardware are used encourage youth access and allow the experience of experts to be shared.
Room: Boxborough, W5
Saturday 4pm: RI Section Town Hall Forum Nancy Austin, KC1NEK
Welcome to RI’s first Town Hall Forum. Please join our Meet & Greet Town Hall Forum as we introduce the new leadership, share what your RI cabinet has been doing, and hear from other Ocean State radio amateurs. Follow for updates.
Room: Sterling, W2
Sunday 10am: Hamshack Hotline David Neal, W2DAN (co-founder)
The Hamshack Hotline is a Free VOIP telcom service for the ham radio community. Its purpose is to augment communication in hamshacks, EOC‘s, and clubs, and among club members. It offers full duplex operation. It also supports FAX. Room: Seminar, E3
There really is something for everyone at this event. But first, you have to show up! Please consider this on a rainy weekend.
I especially appreciate your support as so many people are working hard to showcase collaboration and positive paths forward for Amateur Radio.
73, Nancy Austin, KC1NEK – your new RI Section Manager
The schedule is here: