Providence Radio Association & young Amateur participation at the HamXposition W1XPO GOTA station
Providence Radio Association club president Dave Tessitore, K1DT shared this news before their weekly social meeting tonight at the PRA clubhouse:
A record 27 PRA members were in attendance for the Northeast HamXposition two weeks ago in Marlborough, MA.
- Members and family in attendance included AC1GE, AJ1S, K1COI, K1DT, K1LFS, KB1EFR, KB1KVD, KB1RCD, KC1NAB, KC1NTI, KZ1K, N1DM, N1RHH, N1SXB, N1WVQ, NE1U, W1BSN, W1ER, W1ESQ, W1EYH, W1GS, W1PRA, WA1WEE, WQ1Q, K3DRE, W3DRE, and Sarah Good. Friends and associates were too many to list!
The PRA set-up and hosted the Official HamXpo Get-On-The-Air station, W1XPO.
Tremendous young Amateur participation at the HamXposition W1XPO GOTA station!
Thanks to all the PRA members, it was an Overwhelming Success!
Many of us filled the PRA Table(s) at both the Friday DX Dinner and Saturday Grand Banquet.
- The Fri and Sat PRA Happy Hours were well attended by members, friends, and guests.
PRA HamXpo Speakers
Our President, K1DT spoke on Marketing your Club, while Dom, N1DM spoke on DMR technology, and Doug, K3DRE, gave an interesting presentation on Being a Ham in the Broadcast Industry. Many of us attended the RI Section Forum hosted by our ARRL Section Manager, Nancy, KC1NEK.