Despite Tuesday’s blizzard, Rhode Island stations got on the air to participate daily, Monday to Wednesday February 12-14, 2024. Here are updates and what to expect before this Roundup wraps on Friday 7pm February 16, 2024.
W1KMV – University of Rhode Island
Special thanks to URI amateur radio club call sign trustee, Brian Maynard, K1NW for operating as W1KMV during Tuesday’s storm and then again Wednesday to make QSOs with dozens of schools and individuals. Highlights included contact with the Cornell Club station, W2CXM, where he was station master for several years in the 1980s. Brian, K1NW reported having a great time contacting young operators at several school stations, mostly on 20m with excellant band conditions. (W1KMV may be back on the air Th/Fri to bring this ARRL School Roundup to the finish line. Standby! Keep an eye on

Interested in helping revitalize the URI student Amateur Radio Club? Reach out to Brian Maynard here:
N1ASA – RI STEM Middle School
- After-School Club Lead: Mike Cullen, K1NPT operating as N1ASA
Thanks to its lively Middle School amateur radio club enthusiastically led for a decade by Newport’s Mike Cullen, K1NPT, the All Saints STEAM Academy in Middletown, Rhode Island is a long-time ARRL Club Roundup participant. This year was no exception. Mike, K1NPT really understands how to match the exuberant curiosity of middle school students to radio hands-on learning puzzles.
Many thanks to the RI hams who reached out to make an “Individual” Roundup QSO with these eager students on Monday and Wednesday. (School was canceled Tuesday due to snow.)
TODAY is Thursday Feb 15th, and it’s not too late to listen for their N1ASA CQ at 4pm on 2m SIMPLEX 146.550. Or look for N1ASA on a dx spotting site on 20m or 40m SSB today between 3-4:30pm. Huge thanks to the RI hams who took time to chat with these confident, cheerful young operators who sounded like they were having SO much fun!
Interested in helping Mike K1NPT mentor youth in radio across the state? Reach out to Mike Cullen here: [email protected]
Individual Roundup Operator Experience
This was my first time participating in any ARRL School Club Roundup, and it’s easy to see why this is such a beloved opportunity to encourage youth and college clubs. Operating from my home QTH for about an hour each day (mostly between 3pm to 6pm on 20m, 40, 15m SSB and 2M FM Simplex) it was great fun to talk with experienced student operators at college clubs including University of Wisconsin, W9YT and Michigan State, W8SH. And also the many Middle and High School new operators across the country (CO, SC, TX, IN, OK, GA, RI). A surpise to me was the opportunity to log a QSO with the almost 40% of Middle or High student operators I contacted who were young women.
K1D -Brown University Radio Amateur
The snowstorm, sickness and technical difficulties contributed to the challenges getting this call sign on the air before the expected Brown University, K1D ARRL School Roundup activation push planned for Thursday 3pm to Friday 7pm. Keep an eye on
As a Brown alum, my plan is to be out there offering QSOs on 20m and 40m SSB to support this initiative. So don’t be surprised to hear Nancy, KC1NEK operating briefly today and tomorrow as K1D as we plan forward revitalizing the Brown Amateur Radio Club.
Interested in helping revitalize the Brown University student Amateur Radio Club? Reach out to Jose Sandoval, KC1TWM, a Brown student and the club revitalization contact: [email protected]
Fall ARRL School Roundup & JOTA synergy?
The next ARRL School Roundup is scheduled for M-F October 21-25, 2024 (The third full school week of October2024.) This would seem like a synergistic follow-up to the weekend of amateur radio upskilling planned for the annual Scouting Jamoboree on the Air (JOTA), taking place “the third full weekend in October” – or Sat/Sun October 19-20, 2024.
Meanwhile, hope to see the Brown and URI Collegiate Clubs doing well, with hams stepping up to help. Hope to hear you on the air, even today, as we mentor and offer encouragement to others.
73, Nancy Austin, KC1NEK – RI Section Manager ([email protected])
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