Lots of new Rhode Island POTA activity as activators and hunters seek the eight new RI POTA parks revealed late Friday night. All sporting 5 digit designators.
Jim Garman, KC1QDZ, our RI POTA representative, wrote:
“We have added eight new Rhode Island references to POTA tonight. The new references are:
K-10541 Gull Cove, Portsmouth
K-10542 Camp Cronin, Narragansett
K-10543 Patriots’ Park, Portsmouth
K-10544 Jerimoth Hill, Foster
K-10545 Hillsdale Preserve, Richmond
K-10546 Eight Rod Farm WMA, Tiverton
K-10547 Silver Spring, North Kingstown
K-10548 Barber Pond, South Kingstown
Note that the POTA database does not include “State Fishing Area” as an option, so “State Recreation Area” was selected.
There will be a couple more in the next few days; the Wood-Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic River is very much on the table, but needs a little more research.
I want to thank all of you for your suggestions and for going out in person and vetting these places – you did a tremendous job! Please send any comments or questions back my way. Now go activate these parks, I suspect you will have plenty of hunters!
73 and POTA ON from Jim KC1QDZ”