Newport County Radio Club celebrates 75th and looks ahead
This weekend, the Newport County Radio Club (NCRC) gathered at Colt State Park in Bristol, Rhode Island to celebrate the club’s milestone 75th anniversary as an ARRL-affiliated amateur radio club. The ARRL New England Division Director Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC presented a commemorative plaque to Ed Gosling, W1NQH, who has been a member of the club for over thirty years. Bob Beatty, WB4SON gave a keynote address on the history of the club, with an emphasis on its role promoting education, licensing, and getting on the air through outdoor club programs – including Islands on the Air and Parks on the Air.
Looking forward, the club wants to again acknowledge its 2023 major ARRL Club grant for a Vector Network Analyzer to support UHF and microwave learning by members of all license classes and skill-levels. Club member Greg Bonaguide, WA1VUG of Rohde & Schwarz again shared his timely insights. Meanwhile, Carl Dumas, KC1NAM brought his home-brew satellite van and offered demos while making a successful confirmed QSO via satellite RS-44. At the other end of the spectrum, Naldy Medina, KP4AMC talked low-frequency and was good-natured when people recognized him from the cover of the July 2024 QST.

This was also the club’s third annual Outdoor Adventure, with a 2024 tribute to Silent Key Dave Cain, W1DEC. Aquidneck Island native Kevin Beale, K8EAL, from ARRL HQ presented the Cain family with a replica of the ARRL commemorative brick the NCRC had placed in Newington, CT at ARRL HQ in honor of W1DEC.

Willy Maclean, W1LY and Jim Sendrak, KC1LYG had secured a wealth of door prizes from DXE and others. ARRL books on Propagation, Licensing, Antennas and numerous DXE gift certificates were welcomed by the many winners present, including DaveDan Neal, W2DAN, the RI Section Technical Coordinator.
The new RI Youth Coordinator, Rowan Eggert, WO1P won a copy of the latest science fiction novel by Phil Temples, K9HI, the Vice Director – showing the generalist range of interests that animates so many radio amateur gatherings. Inside the picnic pavilion was good cheer. Outdoors on this beautiful September day, club members drifted back and forth to check out Carl’s satellite set-up. And also the sidecar driven to the picnic by auto mechanic wizard Jeremy Dennis, N1JAD. Huge shout-out for “Most Resilient” to Jeremy N1JAD. Throughout 2023 Jeremy took care of his aging and ailing dad, Arthur Dennis, W1ACD and helped his dad get back active on the air with renewed joyful mental health connection via the W1SYE 2m nightly net community. Art sadly passed away last December 2023, and then Jeremy was faced with clearing out the house to sell. These are only a few of the reasons why it was inspirational to see Jeremy’s spirit of resilience as he moves forward with a new job, living in a new town, and setting up a new QTH and hands-on workshops. Newport County Radio Club is an amazing ham community with a proud past and abundant opportunities for each of us to share and inspire in the weeks, months, and years ahead.
Calling all radio amateurs ready to imagine the NCRC’s 100th anniversary in 2049.
How about let’s start with the NCRC October 14, 2024 monthly meeting?!